Once upon a time, dinosaurs inhabited games of various genres: platform arcades, quests, economic simulators. Starting from the late trias (1990.) And to the end of Cretaceous (2000.) the period of the most popular target in the first -person shooters was an orange cycling with black stripes on the side: Turok , Carnivores , Tresspasser..

But about ten years ago, a terrifying disaster occurred: in 2001 the last film was released about the Jurassic Park, the license games stopped, and the noble giant reptiles in shooters were somehow impudently supplanted by zombified mammals of all stripes of all stripes.

Nowadays, dinosaurs can only be seen in museums and semi -professional projects – say, multiplayer FPS Primal Carnage (should go out in 2011, make former mod developers) or Dino D-Day (dinosaurs in the scenery of the Second World War).

Dinosaurs on dinosaurs

Orion: Prelude It is also created by independent developers, and this is another online shooter without a singlepler, the main decoration of which is a blindly looking into the screen of the tyrannosaurus. But against the backdrop of a tyrannosaurus, there are cosmic marines with jet satchels behind their backs rolled into bugges along a foreign planet, shooting off from warlike aliens. “Dinosaurs, jetpaks, jeeps!" – Here are three columns Orion.

According to the plot of the game, humanity is fighting with the mysterious Altair for post -apocalyptic land and covered with jungle (and populated by tyrannosaurs) Orion. Developers from Spiral Game Studios They desperately try to keep the plot details a secret, although already in the form of the helmets of Altair, it is clear that we have reasonable dinosaurs. Most likely – a product of parallel Orion evolution.

When asked where dinosaurs came from on a distant planet, the developers give a surprisingly thoughtful answer.

“Orion was formed from the same comet as the earth. On the meteor there were organisms that did not have a decorated cell nucleus, from which different living creatures grew up. Evolution went on the same way on both planets. Why did the dinosaurs die out on Earth, and on Orion they, smoking, eat space infantrymen? Everything is explained by the fact that there are as many as seven moons around Orion, the gravitational field of which reduces the potential number of asteroids that can reach the planet. It was thanks to the companions that not a single large asteroid crashed into this world and there were no crushing natural cataclysm on its territory, which claimed the lives of all giant lizards on Earth (damn it, and we would not have abandoned dinosaurs! – approx. "Gambling") ".

The name of the Raptor

Do you know that ..

The name of the dinosaur is recorded in Latin and consists of the name of the family and the name of the species. Until 1993, when choosing names, Greek words, geographical names and names of paleontologists were used. After – exclusively the film "Park of the Jurassic period".

Typical names of dinosaurs of the late XIX – early XX centuries: Stegosaurus Armatus (lizard with plates on the back), cratosaurus nasicornis (dinosaur with a nasal horn), albertosaurus (found in Canada), Megalosaurus bucklandi ..

Typical names of the 90s and 2000s: Bambiraptor Feinbergi (Bambi-Reptor), Utahraptor Ostrommays (Utaraptor), Micoriptor (micro-Raptor), VarIraptor Mechinorum, Austroraptor Cabazai (Astraptor ) … what is the catch? In fact, all the lizards of the second paragraph are not raptors – just small predators, quite ordinary "heads". Why were they suddenly called a stranger? The thing is that after 1993, during the “park” mania, many paleontologists began to receive funding from people who watched the “park”, and could not resist the temptation to pay tribute to the film. Such is paleontological corruption!

Monsters against aliens

Orion does not have a single-user campaign in principle: there is an old-regime defmach in the QUAKE 2 style and early Beta Counter-Strike and a rudimentary cooperative, in which it will be necessary to play against bots by a group of four people.

Orion looks simply phenomenal – especially when you consider that the game has been in coma development since 1999 and has no official financing. In the last video there is no hint of something amateur or budget: Orion himself looks no worse than landscapes from Avatar, marines and Altairians chased one after another to the bugges under seven huge moons and dashingly emerge from the jungle on jetpacks, and the famous scene from "Jurassic Park", where the tyrannosaurus is chasing a jeep, happens every five minutes.

By the way, the vision of the tyrannosaurus is bad, but the hearing is beautiful. Hearing the close buzz of Jetpak, he will either try to eat a player, or will pursue a flyer on the ground until the fuel ends with the fuel. As the developers say, “there has not yet been a single correct game with dinosaurs” – in Spiral Studios they are experimenting with the types of reptile behavior. Orion tyrannosaurs should realistically eat jeeps, fight each other, hunt for players ..

Unlike Halo: Reach or Killzone 3 , On the reactive satchel in Orion, you can turn on the autopilot (the developers call the option “Parisen mode”) and calmly shoot at the dinosaurs and rivals, motionlessly hanging in the air or moving forward along the perfect straight.

Then everything is traditional: there will be classes of characters, different types of grenades, modes of view and superpowers … All these details may well wait until the release. “And we will not have weapons Angloks! – Promise Spiral. – We, like you, cannot stand them. ".

On a honest word and one screw

Brief history of Jetpak in world art culture.

Kid and Carlson

The hero’s aircraft cannot be called reactive, but it is painfully fixed on his back: Carlson does not lose in aerodynamics, even wrapped in a sheet. The flying attack aircraft of the cosmodesant from Dawn of War can be strangled by envy.


The animated series of the Hannah-Barberus studio, which was coming from 1962 to 1987, promoted jetpaks, flying cars, aliens and generally a futuristic lifestyle. It all started with him ..


A rocket launcher from the 1991 Disney film of the same name based on the comics of the 80s of the same name, chanting the film series of the 40s and 30s. A person with such a rich genealogy never took off on the jetpak!

Ball lightning

Many well -known characters used the jetpacks – from the tank of Rogers to Bazz Svetik from the "History of toys". But no one managed to look like such an appropriate passenger of a jet satchel like Sean Connery.

Star wars

Dzhango and Bob Fetta – kings of careless handling. When in Sky Vegas sister sites 2030 there is still a jetpack in your hands, read the instructions carefully-or you can get to the dinner for sarlaking.

Inspector Gadget

Inspector Gadget from the French-Japanese animated series of the same name (1983-1986) was equipped with a helicopter screw advanced from the hat with a pair of handles for control. Like Carlson, the gadget uses a lobed variety of an individual aircraft, which I really want to call a rotoTo-packet or a jetpak-capter.


In the seventh season of the religious series of the American 80s, McGayiver, a resourceful (and of the same name) secret agent managed to assemble a jet of a fire hose, a spray, steering wheel and seat belts. Water -based jetpaks are also a way out!

Starsiege: Tribes

The first game where the use of jetpak was built to the Absolute. Flights on jettracks here were perceived as for granted – the heroes did not fly, but simply “walked” upward.

* * *

Dinosaurs. Aliens. Jetpaks. Baggi. Fighting spacesuits. Simple listing of Orion: Prelude elements, either a thin and smart parody of the stamps of modern FPS (in the Japanese style!), or a set of irresponsible teenage fantasies ("Halo with dinosaurs!"). But it is difficult not to sympathize with the developers, 17-20 hours a day developing their game on naked enthusiasm and donations of enthusiasts. The very fact that Orion looks like a full -fledged commercial product must be recognized as a little victory. And we still believe that a game where there are dinosaurs, jetpaks and jeeps, in principle, cannot be a failure.

We will wait? Halo with dinosaurs. It is developed by a tiny team on self -financing and only for RS.

Percentage of readiness: 60%